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import { css, keyframes } from '@emotion/css';
import React from 'react';
import { createLinkDefault, Diagram } from 'react-easy-diagram';

// We use for our example emotion library for css-in-js, but you can use of
// course vanilla css or any method of doing css you like
const lineAnim = keyframes`
to {
stroke-dashoffset: 40;
const mainLineClass = css`
stroke-dasharray: 4;
animation: ${lineAnim} 5s linear infinite;

export default () => (
nodes: [
id: 'Node 1',
position: [100, 100],
type: 'input_output_horizontal',
id: 'Node 2',
position: [420, 300],
type: 'input_output_horizontal',
id: 'Node 3',
position: [420, 100],
type: 'input_output_horizontal',
links: [
source: { nodeId: 'Node 1', portId: 'output' },
target: { nodeId: 'Node 2', portId: 'input' },
links: {
components: {
default: createLinkDefault({
mainLine: {
classes: {
base: [mainLineClass],
style: {
base: {
stroke: 'grey',
strokeWidth: 1,
linkCreation: createLinkDefault({
mainLine: {
style: {
base: {
stroke: 'green',
strokeWidth: 2,
secondaryLine: {
style: {
base: {
stroke: 'green',
strokeWidth: 5,